British Transport Police, Interim Head of Wellbeing, Health and Safety: 20 days extended to 12 months
Wellbeing, Health and Safety Consulting and Risk Management
Why did British Transport Police come to us?
British Transport Police (BTP) faced serious issues with risk identification and management, necessitating a major internal Health and Safety review. They sought to reduce legal and reputational risks by significantly improving compliance and needed expert advice for their ‘Health and Safety Gold Group,’ formed to manage their highest risks.
Additionally, BTP required restructuring of their H&S and Occupational Health (OH) teams, enhancements to their Occupational Health provisions, and improved competence within their H&S team.
What did we do?
- Major Internal H&S Review: Led a comprehensive internal review after identifying serious risk management issues, significantly reducing legal and reputational risks by improving compliance.
- Advisory Role: Advised the ‘Health and Safety Gold Group’ managing BTP’s highest risks.
- Executive Board Engagement: As a member of the Force Executive Board, presented current issues and required actions weekly.
- Competence Improvement: Enhanced the competence of the H&S team, significantly reducing performance risk.
- Team Restructuring: Restructured H&S and OH teams, resulting in better reporting and more impactful line management.
- Union Consultation: Liaised with BTP Federation (Union) Reps, consulting on changes to members’ conditions and risks.
- Occupational Health Relaunch: Led a high-profile relaunch of Force-wide Occupational Health provisions.
- Risk Reduction: Reduced risks faced by various high-risk teams, including the Counter Terrorism Support Unit, Firearms, Custody, Body Recovery, Suicide Prevention, and canine units.
- Strategy Implementation: Introduced a 12-month WHS Strategy, allocating key responsibilities to specific officer and staff roles.
- SOP Streamlining: Simplified cumbersome Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), making them easily digestible, effective, and impactful.
- Authority Support: Worked with the British Transport Police Authority to ensure they met their Duty of Care.
- Specialist Support: Supported the Disaster Victim Identification team, including specialist vaccinations for high-risk countries.
- Employee Assistance Program: Improved Employee Assistance Program support and reporting.
Learning and Development aspects:
- Trauma Management Training: Implemented Trauma Management training (TRiM) and support services.
- Training Quality Improvement: Significantly improved the quality of officer and staff training, increasing the resilience of BTP’s personnel.
- Masterclasses: Delivered Wellbeing, Health and Safety Masterclasses to the Force Executive Board and various senior officer and staff groups.