Sarah Piddington - Founder and CEO

Sarah believes there’s an untapped resource that can improve the success of every organisation. It’s simple. Improve the way you look after your people — your people will look after your business better — you’ll make more money.

How? It’s about keeping your people safe and well.

Looking after the Health & Safety, and Mental Health & Wellbeing of your people creates more engagement between your people and your business. That, in turn, improves your people’s productivity.

A Health and Safety practitioner for over 20 years, Sarah set up her own business 13 years ago.

“I believe that the Health and Safety profession needs to evolve. We can’t keep screaming about safety, and barely whispering about health. My philosophy is to help people. I want to be able to make a real difference in people’s lives, and to positively impact the success of multiple organisations.” 

“I am extremely passionate about helping organisations excel and their people shine in every area of their lives.”

Safe And Well Together’s focus is on blending traditional safety with the human side – wellbeing, physical and mental health. This is where Wellbeing, Health and Safety comes in as a model. At SAWT, we help organisations to better look after their people and their assets. The people are happier, and the organisation sees the benefits in terms of engagement and productivity. A real win-win situation.


  • 2011

    Changing the stereotype and pushing the health agenda: the launch of Sarah Piddington Consulting

    Determined not to be a stereotypical Health and Safety person, Sarah set about to ensure that all her dealings were consultative in style, engaging with leadership and workers to fully understand what their risks were.

    Additionally during these years, Sarah focused on doing Health and Safety differently. Health had always been treated as Safety’s little sister and organisations were missing a key opportunity to look after their people better.

    An opportunity presented itself for Sarah to set up her first company, and SPC came to life.

    Sarah set about reformulating the approach to H&S by focusing on wellbeing first, followed by health and safety. She devised a pioneering formula, which improves productivity through effective and engaging Wellbeing & Mental Health, and Health & Safety leadership.

  • 2018

    Introducing Safe and Well Together

    Sarah decided to really focus on the relationship between safety and wellbeing, and therefore decided to rebrand SPC to clearly state the company’s focus on Safety and Wellbeing.

    In 2018, SPC rebranded and Safe and Well Together (SAWT) was born.