Employee resilience

Top 10 Ways to Become More Resilient

April is Stress Awareness Month. With 51% of all work-related ill-health being due to stress, anxiety or depression, it’s important to consider how we can support our employees to improve their resilience.


As an employer, one of the most important things you can do is to support your employees.

Top ten ways to improve employee resilience:

  1. Create a psychologically safe environment: Provide a space where people may express themselves without worrying about what others think of them. Employees who feel comfortable speaking up in the workplace are more likely to share ideas, ask questions, voice concerns, or admit mistakes.
  2. Lead by example: Employers should set a good example when it comes to promoting resilience and mental wellbeing. This can include taking breaks, engaging in self-care, and being upfront and honest about their personal challenges.
  3. Foster a positive workplace culture: A positive workplace culture can make employees feel appreciated and motivated, which boosts output and morale. Employers should aim to create a culture that encourages open communication, innovation and collaboration.
  4. Encourage work-life balance: Burnout is a serious problem. Employers can help prevent it by encouraging employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance. This can include remote work opportunities, wellness initiatives and flexible work schedules.
  5. Provide opportunities for professional development: Allowing employees to learn new skills and advance in their careers can help them feel more fulfilled and engaged in their work. This can also help them to be more adaptable in the face of challenges.
  6. Offer mental health support: Mental health is equally as important as physical health. Employers can help their employees’ mental wellbeing by providing resources, including counselling services, mental health days, and employee assistance programmes (EAPs).
  7. Communicate openly and often: Doing so can help to improve trust and transparency. It’s important to inform staff members of substantial changes, but it’s also important to constantly discuss daily activities to build authentic relationships between colleagues and managers.
  8. Recognise and reward employees: Recognising and rewarding employees for their hard work and achievements can help them feel appreciated and valued. This can also boost morale and motivation.
  9. Cultivate a sense of community: Creating a sense of community among employees can help create a feeling of belonging. This can include organising team-building activities and encouraging collaboration between teams.
  10. Promote self-care: Promoting self-care among staff members can aid in stress management and enhance general wellbeing. This can involve offering tools like wellness programmes, health and wellness classes, and mindfulness apps.


In conclusion, employers can support their employees in developing resilience and navigating life’s challenges by addressing each of the areas discussed above.

Let’s work together to prioritise the wellbeing of our employees during Stress Awareness Month and beyond.

For more information see our previous post about resilience.

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